Inclusion and Equity Update to the Engagement Framework

We asked the community how we can be more inclusive and equitable when we engage on City projects, services and initiatives to help inform the update of our Engagement Framework.

Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas on this important project.

Working in partnership with Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, the goal was to listen to a wide range of community voices about how the City could do things differently or better in terms of how we plan for and host inclusive and equitable engagement processes.

Project Update

If you're looking for a quick summary of what we heard and some of the highlights of the draft All Our Voices Engagement Framework, please check out the Community Summary here.

The All Our Voices Engagement Summary shares all of the community voices that were part of this process and provides a full summary of how we engaged and what we heard.

Informed by what we heard in the community and best practices, we worked with Simon Fraser University to develop the All Our Voices Engagement Framework which will guide how the City of Victoria engages with community.

All Our Voices staff training is taking place this March.

Community Engagement

Please read the All Our Voices Engagement Summary to learn about this engagement process:

Engagement with the community included two phases:

Phase 1 - A series of 22 community conversations with organizations who represent or serve equity-seeking groups and research on best practices in equitable engagement

Phase 2 - A series of community roundtables, small roundtables, coffee chats, idea boards and a community survey

This engagement is about building relationships with groups and individuals that we haven't heard as much from in the past. This will allow us to better understand how we can hear from all people who live, work or play in Victoria.

In this work ‘Inclusion’ means: To create the conditions for all community members who are impacted by a decision to engage in a welcoming, safe way. This means diverse perspectives and ways of life are valued and respected.

In this work ‘Equity’ means: To ensure each member of the community who is impacted by a decision, has the opportunity to inform decision making. This often means removing barriers. It also means that resources and opportunities for participation are distributed to address historic and ongoing disadvantages faced by marginalized groups.

These are some of the questions we were looking for ideas on:

  • What would make it easy for you to share ideas and input with the City of Victoria?
  • What would make it feel safe for you to share ideas and input with the City of Victoria?
  • What would make you feel like the City of Victoria had heard your ideas and input?

What Was the Level of Public Participation?

We were consulting and involving communities to inform the update to the Engagement Framework.

Did You Know?

You’re now on the City of Victoria’s central engagement hub – Have Your Say. This is where you can find all community-wide engagement opportunities. We invite you to complete the short registration process (email address, postal code and password). You can then share your input on all projects. You will also get monthly updates about engagement opportunities.

What Happens Next?

Next: Staff training will take place in the spring of 2023.

We asked the community how we can be more inclusive and equitable when we engage on City projects, services and initiatives to help inform the update of our Engagement Framework.

Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas on this important project.

Working in partnership with Simon Fraser University’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, the goal was to listen to a wide range of community voices about how the City could do things differently or better in terms of how we plan for and host inclusive and equitable engagement processes.

Project Update

If you're looking for a quick summary of what we heard and some of the highlights of the draft All Our Voices Engagement Framework, please check out the Community Summary here.

The All Our Voices Engagement Summary shares all of the community voices that were part of this process and provides a full summary of how we engaged and what we heard.

Informed by what we heard in the community and best practices, we worked with Simon Fraser University to develop the All Our Voices Engagement Framework which will guide how the City of Victoria engages with community.

All Our Voices staff training is taking place this March.

Community Engagement

Please read the All Our Voices Engagement Summary to learn about this engagement process:

Engagement with the community included two phases:

Phase 1 - A series of 22 community conversations with organizations who represent or serve equity-seeking groups and research on best practices in equitable engagement

Phase 2 - A series of community roundtables, small roundtables, coffee chats, idea boards and a community survey

This engagement is about building relationships with groups and individuals that we haven't heard as much from in the past. This will allow us to better understand how we can hear from all people who live, work or play in Victoria.

In this work ‘Inclusion’ means: To create the conditions for all community members who are impacted by a decision to engage in a welcoming, safe way. This means diverse perspectives and ways of life are valued and respected.

In this work ‘Equity’ means: To ensure each member of the community who is impacted by a decision, has the opportunity to inform decision making. This often means removing barriers. It also means that resources and opportunities for participation are distributed to address historic and ongoing disadvantages faced by marginalized groups.

These are some of the questions we were looking for ideas on:

  • What would make it easy for you to share ideas and input with the City of Victoria?
  • What would make it feel safe for you to share ideas and input with the City of Victoria?
  • What would make you feel like the City of Victoria had heard your ideas and input?

What Was the Level of Public Participation?

We were consulting and involving communities to inform the update to the Engagement Framework.

Did You Know?

You’re now on the City of Victoria’s central engagement hub – Have Your Say. This is where you can find all community-wide engagement opportunities. We invite you to complete the short registration process (email address, postal code and password). You can then share your input on all projects. You will also get monthly updates about engagement opportunities.

What Happens Next?

Next: Staff training will take place in the spring of 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We are looking for your feedback on how the City of Victoria can be more inclusive and equitable in our engagement activities. Please complete this survey by May 31, 2022. This survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Page last updated: 13 Dec 2023, 10:01 AM