Busking in Victoria Survey

The City of Victoria is reviewing its Street Entertainment Bylaw to improve the busking experience downtown. The Bylaw was last reviewed in 2012.  

This summer, we are piloting new busking locations downtown for public feedback in an online survey. We want Victoria’s street entertainment to be vibrant and enjoyable for everyone. 

“Elevated” Busking Locations: We are scheduling auditioned/juried buskers to perform at eight “elevated” locations downtown. Only juried buskers will be paid to perform at these sites.

Designated Busking Locations: Five locations along Government Street are being piloted for spacing. Any licensed busker can perform at these locations for tips. 

All licensed buskers may perform in other areas downtown as per the City's Street Entertainment Bylaw.

Your feedback, combined with input from a stakeholder working group representing buskers, local businesses, downtown residents and the Downtown Victoria Business Association will help inform recommendations to Council this fall for an interim update to the Street Entertainment Bylaw.

If the recommendations are adopted, the City will develop an interim update to the Bylaw and test additional busking approaches next summer, such as emerging artist busking locations, sound-amplified busking in designated locations, an online calendar for booking key sites and technology for buskers to receive tips electronically – for further public input, providing a report to Council next year for consideration.   

For information on the City’s current Street Entertainment Bylaw and what we are piloting this summer for feedback, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.  

Help us improve the busking experience downtown by completing this short survey by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, August 31, 2024. 

Read our survey privacy statement.

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