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Growing in the City Program Survey

We want to hear from you!

Our new Growing in the City recreation programs support food production and gardening skills, contribute positively to health and well-being, and increase opportunities for social interaction, connection to nature and environmental education. This year we’ve launched a whole host of activities from gardening classes, to walking tours, to nature-themed summer camps. As we continue to develop programs and activities for our community, we’d love to hear from you about what you’re most interested in. Take this quick six-question survey to help us shape future programming.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this voluntary survey. Please do not provide your name and address or any other personal information that identifies yourself or other individuals. The completed surveys will be reviewed by City of Victoria staff responsible for Growing in the City programming. If you require further information about this survey, please contact


What topics would you most like to develop your skills in? (Please pick your top 3)


How do you prefer to learn? (Please pick your top 3)


How did you hear about Growing in the City recreation programs?


What is your primary mode of transportation?


For programs outside of Victoria, such as group nature hikes, would you prefer transportation be provided by the City?


Please tell us which area you live in: