Official Community Plan Update
Thank you for sharing your feedback on updates to the Official Community Plan. Council approved OCP updates related to development permit areas (OCP Appendix A) on June 8, 2023. View the updated Plan here. Other amendments can be adopted when the CRD approves the City's Regional Context Statement. Learn more about this process here.
The updates will refresh the OCP to reflect recently approved plans and policies, improve clarity, and help respond to emerging trends. Please note this process is NOT the comprehensive 10-year OCP Update recently directed by Council but is a first step toward modernizing theContinue reading
Thank you for sharing your feedback on updates to the Official Community Plan. Council approved OCP updates related to development permit areas (OCP Appendix A) on June 8, 2023. View the updated Plan here. Other amendments can be adopted when the CRD approves the City's Regional Context Statement. Learn more about this process here.
The updates will refresh the OCP to reflect recently approved plans and policies, improve clarity, and help respond to emerging trends. Please note this process is NOT the comprehensive 10-year OCP Update recently directed by Council but is a first step toward modernizing the Plan. The project page for the comprehensive 10-year update will be launched soon.
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What we’re engaging on:
Amendments to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to reflect recently approved plans and policies (like the City’s climate action plan and sustainable mobility strategy), to implement the City’s response to emerging issues (like housing affordability and design), and to improve clarity and interpretation of the OCP after nearly 10 years of implementation. For more information, read the OCP Update Summaries.
How we got here:
Victoria's OCP was adopted in 2012 and provides a long-term vision out to 2041 for how our community will grow and change. In recent years, several new City plans, policies, and directions have been approved by Council (see the Related Policy Documents section). The 2019 Official Community Plan Annual Review was presented to Council in October 2020 and included recommendations for a series of edits to bring the OCP up to date. Council directed staff to proceed with the required public consultation to amend the OCP (the Council report, discussion, and decision can be accessed here).
Last summer we reached out and heard from you about the topic areas we are considering updating to help guide our approach. The latest phase of engagement collected feedback on detailed updates, based on earlier community input. We are now reviewing the latest feedback and preparing recommendations for Council.
What is the level of public participation?
This process ranges from Inform to Involve on the City’s spectrum of participation (see the City Engagement Framework to learn more).
How will input be sought?
Broad input was collected online, including through topic-area surveys, in addition to stakeholder emails and conversations. Register for updates to stay informed about the process, including when Council will consider recommended amendments to the OCP.
Do you have any questions about this project?
If my area changes from Fernwood to North Park, what changes should I expect in regards to property taxes or utilities? Changes to house zoning? Etc....
PamLacey asked over 3 years agoHello, Thanks for your question. There are no changes to property taxes, utility costs or zoning associated with the proposed boundary changes.
Why aren’t outcomes of the Missing Middle Initiative or Local Area Planning included in these updates?
mmcnaughton asked almost 4 years agoThe Missing Middle Housing Initiative and ongoing Village and Corridor Planning are distinct planning processes. Both initiatives will result in updates to the Official Community Plan at the end of the process.
What will you do to ensure that Victoria maintains its historical buildings and traditional neighborhood that make it a delight to live in and our primary tourism draw?
RMJ46 asked almost 4 years agoThanks for your question. The Official Community Plan includes a chapter on Placemaking, Urban Design and Heritage. The chapter recognizes the need to celebrate and protect Victoria’s cultural and natural heritage and envisions attractive and high quality architecture and urban design that enhance the sense of place and unique character of local areas. Policies in this chapter are considered when new development is proposed. No changes are being considered to this chapter and the policies will continue to apply following any amendments to the OCP.
The pdf version is not available when clicking. It defaults back to the primary doc. where is the pdf version/ Clicking returns to the primary document again, clicking returns to the primary project document and not to the amendments.
mmcnaughton asked almost 4 years agoThank-you for flagging this issue for us. The linked document was inaccurately titled. We’ve corrected the issue and it is now appropriately titled, “OCP Update Summaries.” The detailed amendments have not yet been prepared and will be informed by any questions or feedback we receive through this first phase of early engagement. You can register for updates on the project page to be notified when new information is available, including the proposed detailed amendments by topic area.
Is this overloading already busy streets?
mmcnaughton asked almost 4 years agoThanks for your question. With a growing population, our streets are going to get busier -- and that is why we consider transportation in all land use planning and proposed developments. Go Victoria, the City’s sustainable mobility strategy, is the high-level policy document that was adopted in 2019 and guides transportation planning. Go Victoria recognizes that increased development pressures within and from outside the city will continue to exacerbate highway congestion and trip duration unless we make changes in how we move people, goods and services. Our approach targets investments to improve the efficiency of our networks among all modes of travel. This means making investments in things like coordinated traffic signals, dedicated bus lanes, wider sidewalks, protected bike lanes, car share stalls, and innovative parking management systems. We need to manage new demand from population growth and prioritize walking, cycling, public transit and shared mobility so that our already-busy streets can continue to support our city for decades to come.
It is now mid-spring. When will we know the results of this initial engagement?
RMJ46 asked almost 4 years agoThanks for your question. This phase of engagement provides an opportunity for the community to learn more about the updates we are considering, ask questions, and provide early feedback. We will use this early feedback as we begin to prepare draft amendments for each topic area. We will include a summary of what we heard and how it informed the approach when we bring the draft amendments to the public to review, beginning this summer. You can register for updates on the project page to be notified when new information is available.
Will these questions and responses be tabulate and will we be able to access the feedback you get in these questions?
RMJ46 asked almost 4 years agoThanks for your question. This phase of engagement provides an opportunity for the community to learn more about the updates we are considering, ask questions, and provide early feedback. We will use this early feedback as we begin to prepare draft amendments for each topic area. We will include a summary of what we heard and how it informed the approach when we bring the draft amendments to the public to review, beginning this summer. You can register for updates on the project page to be notified when new information is available.
Who's Listening
City of Victoria
Key Dates
View the Official Community Plan
Learn about the proposed updates
Project Timeline
Early Engagement (Round 1 - Spring- Early Summer 2021)
Official Community Plan Update has finished this stageLearn more about the updates we are considering to the OCP and why. Ask questions or provide general feedback on the broad approach.
Review and Drafting Amendments
Official Community Plan Update has finished this stageThe City will review feedback from the public and stakeholders, consider approaches and draft amendments.
Detailed Engagement (Round 2 - Summer 2022)
Official Community Plan Update has finished this stageThe City collected input on the detailed updates being considered for each topic area. The survey closed on July 19th.
Refining Draft Amendments
Official Community Plan Update has finished this stageWe are reviewing feedback, refining amendments, and preparing recommendations for Council.
Proposed Amendments Presented to Council
Official Community Plan Update is currently at this stageCouncil has initially considered the updates and required bylaw amendments. A public hearing is scheduled for June 8.
- Is this the recently directed OCP 10-year Update?
- What is the Official Community Plan?
- Why does the plan need to be updated regularly?
- Why is the plan being updated now?
- What recent plans and policies are being considered as part of this update?
- Can I provide feedback on city wide plans that are requiring these OCP amendments?
- What parts of the plan are being updated?
- How can I be involved?
- How will my feedback be used?
View Related Policy Documents
Go Victoria - Sustainable Mobility Strategy (2019)
Transgender, Non-Binary and Two Spirit + Inclusion Plan (2019)
Accessibility Framework (2020)
Victoria 3.0 - Recovery Reinvention Resilience - 2020 - 2041 (2020)
Council's Endorsed guidelines and principles for an equity framework (2020)
Climate Leadership Plan (2018)
The Victoria Housing Strategy: Phase 2 (2019)
OCP Design Guidelines For: Multi-Unit Residential, Commercial and Industrial (2012)