March → December 2022

Research and Project Area Studies

Background analysis was completed including an Industrial Market Conditions, Land Economics and Best Practices Study and high-level environmental conditions study.  Virtual focus groups were held with stakeholders from the business, arts and education communities to discuss opportunities and challenges for the area and inform the project scope. Read the focus group feedback.

January → June 2023

Phase 1 – Project Starts

The project kicked off with an initial Working Group meeting of 22 Rock Bay stakeholders. See FAQs for Working Group members.

April → June 2023

Phase 2 – Stakeholder Engagement Begins

The City is gathering input on the future of the Rock Bay District from key stakeholders through focus groups. Micro Labs and stakeholder meetings as well as through larger planning workshops in the form of Ideas Jams. An Ideas Jam Open house will be held for the public to view big ideas and directions from Phase 2 engagement.

July → September 2023

Phase 3 – Development of Draft Action Plan

Using feedback collected from the Rock Bay District business and community groups in Phase 2 of engagement, the City and project consultant will work to develop the Draft Industry, Arts and Innovation Action Plan.

November → December 2023

Phase 4 – Gather Public Feedback on Draft Action Plan

In fall 2023, the public will be invited to share their thoughts and idea on proposed directions and plans for the Rock Bay District. Feedback will be used to update the Action Plan.

February 2024

Phase 5 - Presentation to Council

Staff present proposed industry, Arts and Innovation Action Plan to Council for consideration.