March 2017

Mayor’s Child Care Solutions Working Group

The Mayor’s Child Care Solutions Working Group was assembled in response to community childcare providers approaching Mayor Lisa Helps for assistance in dealing with the child care crisis. The Working Group was made up of non-profit childcare providers, representatives of government, the school district, and the business community, with the Mayor and City staff providing support and playing a convening role in bringing all key stakeholders together.

October 2020

Child Care in Victoria Report Published

In 2019, the Working Group was awarded a Community Childcare Planning grant from the Province, with the specific aim to undertake a childcare needs assessment for the City of Victoria, to review City policies related to childcare, and to make recommendations for creating more affordable, high-quality childcare spaces in the city. This collaborative work resulted in the Child Care in Victoria report  published in late 2020. View the October 2020 meeting webcast

December 2021

Child Care in Victoria Implementation Plan

The Child Care in Victoria Implementation Plan was adopted by Council. The Plan breaks down the recommendations from the Child Care in Victoria report into short, medium and long-term actions. View the December 2021 staff report, Implementation Plan, and meeting webcast.

December 2022

Childcare Needs Data Updated

The City receives updated local child care needs data based on the 2021 Canada-wide census. The new data reveals a gap of at least 4,431 licensed child care spaces between what is available and what is needed by Victoria families. View the 2022 updated childcare spaces inventory and demographic data update

March 02 2023

Report to Council: Update on Short-Term Implementation Plan Actions

City staff identify proposed changes to City bylaws to make it easier to create new licensed childcare facilities, especially in-home options, and to provide more clarity, support, and capacity to childcare operators. View the March 2023 staff report, amended Implementation Plan, and webcast.

May 08 2023

Deadline for Comments on Proposed Bylaw Amendments to Streamline Childcare Facility Applications

July 2023

Report Back to Council

Council to consider draft recommendations, public feedback and bylaw and zoning amendments.  

September 14 2023

Bylaw Amendments Approved by Council

At the September 14 public hearing, Council adopted amendments to the Zoning Regulation Bylaw and Land Use Procedures Bylaw to help encourage childcare spaces throughout the city and streamline the development permit approvals process.