Hillside-Quadra Discussion Forum

by rshotton,
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Quadra Village 

Proposed ideas include transforming the lane just west of Quadra Street into a pedestrian-friendly “mews” over time; and, in the long-term, supporting redevelopment that adds public open spaces, maintains and renews cultural spaces like the Roxy theatre, and brings new rental and ownership housing. Other ideas include short- and long-term improvements to Kings Road to create public spaces for outdoor seating, gathering, eating and activities. Along Quadra Street in the Village, encouraging smaller-footprint developments that include smaller commercial spaces with housing above and facilitate more space for trees, wider sidewalks and patios. Watch the video below to experience what Quadra Village could look like in 2040.

Join the discussion! What do you think about the big ideas proposed for Quadra Village? What do you like? Dislike? What did we miss?  

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