Busking in Victoria
The City of Victoria is reviewing its Street Entertainment Bylaw to improve the busking experience downtown. The review is part of the City’s OUR DWTN revitalization program’s vision for a refreshed and improved downtown experience.
The Pilot
This past summer, we piloted new busking locations downtown and invited feedback through an online survey. Public input gathered through the survey (June 25-August 31, 2024), will help inform updates to the Victoria's Street Entertainment Bylaw.
“Elevated” Busking Locations: We scheduled juried buskers to perform at eight “elevated” locations downtown. Juried buskers were paid $50 per scheduled performance to complement their tips at these locations.
The "elevated" busking locations included the Upper Causeway near the Visitor Centre, Ship Point, two spots in Bastion Square (the plaza area near Wharf Street and the southwest corner of Langley and Bastion Streets), Johnson Street plaza and the northwest corner of Broad and Fort Streets, and the northeast corners of Broad and Yates Streets and Douglas and Broughton Streets.
Designated Busking Locations: Five locations along Government Street were piloted for spacing. Any licensed busker could perform at these locations for tips.
All licensed buskers may perform downtown as per the City's Street Entertainment Bylaw.
The pilot ended on September 19, 2024. For more information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.
Juried Process for Piloting "Elevated" Busking Locations
This past spring, licensed buskers were invited to sign up for a five-minute audition in a juried process on June 14 and 17 for the opportunity to perform at piloted "elevated" busking locations with scheduled performances. An additional audition/juried process took place on July 19. Licensed buskers received an invitation by email or phone in early July to participate.
Busking Showcase at Ship Point
On Canada Day, a busking showcase was featured at Ship Point from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. along with an information booth for buskers and the public to learn more about the busking pilot and the online survey.
Engagement Process
The online survey is now closed. Thank you to all those who participated. The survey will measure the community’s support for specific types of busking locations, sound-amplification at specific sites, strategies to enhance busking downtown, as well as the types of busking and related amenities buskers and the public would like to see, such as covered spaces with comfortable seating, accessible parking and food trucks nearby to create a dynamic downtown experience.
Best practices research, public feedback and input from a stakeholder working group representing buskers, local businesses, downtown residents and the Downtown Victoria Business Association, will help inform recommendations to Council to update the Busking in Victoria program and associated bylaws.
Next Step
An engagement summary of what we heard from the public in the online survey and the stakeholder working group will be available online and presented with recommendations to amend applicable bylaws. If the recommendations are adopted, the new Busking in Victoria program with amended bylaws will roll out in early 2026.
The City may test additional busking approaches in summer 2025, such as emerging artist busking locations, amplified busking at designated locations, an online calendar for booking key sites and technology for buskers to receive tips electronically.