10-Year Official Community Plan Update

We are updating the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Victoria to meet the needs of our growing population and address the housing and climate crises. The plan we make now will help Victoria grow and change to meet future challenges.

Since March 2024, we were in the community and online talking with you about housing, community and climate and how you see your city changing and growing. This period of engagement is now closed, with the exception of the opportunity to provide input on the development of the Tenant Protection Development Permit Area (detailed below).

Thank you for your participation in the OCP update engagement and sharing your thoughts on Victoria's future. We look forward to reviewing public input and creating an engagement summary in preparation for our return to Council in early 2025. Check this page for updates on the OCP update and sign-up for the OCP Newsletter to keep up to date on future OCP engagement activities.

Tenant Protection Development Permit Area and Housing Needs - Have Your Say
As part of the 10-Year OCP update and the updated Housing Needs Report, Council directed staff to create a new Tenant Protection Bylaw and consider the development of a new Tenant Protection Development Permit Area (DPA). If you are a community member, organization or authority that has questions or would like to provide feedback on the bylaw or DPA, email: housing@victoria.ca before Feb 17, 2025.

Places & Spaces - Place-based Planning
As part of the OCP update, the City will consider key directions from current neighbourhood plans to ensure each area of Victoria can grow and maintain it’s special charm while still aligning with OCP framework. James Bay, Oaklands and areas in Jubilee, Fort Street and Oak Bay Avenue are without recent neighbourhood plans. Learn how you can help shape how each of these areas will grow and change into the future at engage.victoria.ca/places-spaces.

Not Starting From Scratch
We have a solid understanding of what Victoria values and needs from years of public feedback, technical analysis, current City policy and through the creation of plans like GoVictoria, the Climate Leadership Plan, Parks and Open Spaces Masterplan and Victoria 3.0. Now it's time to talk about how to bring those values to life as our city grows and changes. Victoria is already a leader in housing policy and regulations. The OCP update process will continue to align local action with federal and provincial programs that seek to address the housing and climate crises.

The Official Community Plan: It's. A. Big. Deal.
The Official Community Plan (OCP) shapes how we live, work and play in Victoria. It's the long-term plan that determines how our community will grow and change. Decisions on where housing, businesses and parks should go, how we move around the city and ways Victoria can respond to the climate crisis are all determined by the OCP. If the City was a train, the OCP would be its conductor leading the way.

Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date on OCP engagement and news: Sign Up | City of Victoria

We are updating the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Victoria to meet the needs of our growing population and address the housing and climate crises. The plan we make now will help Victoria grow and change to meet future challenges.

Since March 2024, we were in the community and online talking with you about housing, community and climate and how you see your city changing and growing. This period of engagement is now closed, with the exception of the opportunity to provide input on the development of the Tenant Protection Development Permit Area (detailed below).

Thank you for your participation in the OCP update engagement and sharing your thoughts on Victoria's future. We look forward to reviewing public input and creating an engagement summary in preparation for our return to Council in early 2025. Check this page for updates on the OCP update and sign-up for the OCP Newsletter to keep up to date on future OCP engagement activities.

Tenant Protection Development Permit Area and Housing Needs - Have Your Say
As part of the 10-Year OCP update and the updated Housing Needs Report, Council directed staff to create a new Tenant Protection Bylaw and consider the development of a new Tenant Protection Development Permit Area (DPA). If you are a community member, organization or authority that has questions or would like to provide feedback on the bylaw or DPA, email: housing@victoria.ca before Feb 17, 2025.

Places & Spaces - Place-based Planning
As part of the OCP update, the City will consider key directions from current neighbourhood plans to ensure each area of Victoria can grow and maintain it’s special charm while still aligning with OCP framework. James Bay, Oaklands and areas in Jubilee, Fort Street and Oak Bay Avenue are without recent neighbourhood plans. Learn how you can help shape how each of these areas will grow and change into the future at engage.victoria.ca/places-spaces.

Not Starting From Scratch
We have a solid understanding of what Victoria values and needs from years of public feedback, technical analysis, current City policy and through the creation of plans like GoVictoria, the Climate Leadership Plan, Parks and Open Spaces Masterplan and Victoria 3.0. Now it's time to talk about how to bring those values to life as our city grows and changes. Victoria is already a leader in housing policy and regulations. The OCP update process will continue to align local action with federal and provincial programs that seek to address the housing and climate crises.

The Official Community Plan: It's. A. Big. Deal.
The Official Community Plan (OCP) shapes how we live, work and play in Victoria. It's the long-term plan that determines how our community will grow and change. Decisions on where housing, businesses and parks should go, how we move around the city and ways Victoria can respond to the climate crisis are all determined by the OCP. If the City was a train, the OCP would be its conductor leading the way.

Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date on OCP engagement and news: Sign Up | City of Victoria

  • Let's Talk: Climate - OCP Online Information Session

    Check out the video of our July 16 Let's Talk Info session! This was the last online OCP information session of the series and focused on OCP topics as well as climate topics and how Victoria can grow and change to become a more resilient and adaptable city.

    Thanks to those that attended and provided feedback.

    This may be the last info session, but you can still have your say by taking the OCP survey until September 1, 2024.

  • Let's Talk: Community - OCP Online Session

    On June 11 and June 13 we held the third and fourth of our online information sessions to provide information on the Official Community Plan update, collect your input and answer your questions.

    In addition to looking at OCP topics, these sessions also dug a bit deeper into transportation, local economy and parks and open spaces topics.

    View the June 11 session above and don't forget to register for the next ones focused on climate topics on July 16 and July 18.

    Looking for more ways to have your say? Check out our upcoming events.

  • Open House Boards

    Did you know you can view the OCP open house boards online? It's true!

    If you couldn't make the first two open houses and are unable to attend the next one on July 6, you can still check out the information boards to learn all about the OCP update and how Victoria can grow and change into the future.

    You can also view the event photos from the first two open houses and some of our pop-ups here.

  • Meeting in a Box

    Introducing Meeting in a Box! This is your toolkit to help lead community conversations and collect written feedback on the 10-Year Official Community Plan update.

    The OCP is a big deal and everyone's voice is needed to help shape how Victoria can grow and change into the future to meet the needs of our growing population and address the housing and climate crises.

    Meeting in a Box includes a presentation and discussion questions to guide you through group discussions about the OCP. Click to download the Meeting in a Box Host Package and the Participant Package.

    Completed Meeting in a Box materials should be submitted by September 1, 2024. Please email us at ocp@victoria.ca if you intend to submit your materials after August 1, 2024.

    Thank you for taking the time to gather and share your thoughts on Victoria's future. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • Let's Talk: Housing - OCP Online Session

    On April 16 and April 18 we held online information sessions to provide information on the Official Community Plan update, collect your input and answer your questions.

    The session covered key points of the OCP update and also dug a bit deeper into OCP housing topics.

    View the April 16 session above and don't forget to register for the next ones focused on community topics related to transportation, local economy and parks and open spaces on June 11 and June 13.

    Looking for more ways to have your say? Check out our upcoming events.

Page last updated: 23 Jan 2025, 09:38 AM