2024-25 Street Upgrades

Planning for 2024-25 Street Upgrades is Underway

The public consultation period for 2024-25 Street Upgrades is now closed. Thank you to all those who shared feedback, experiences and ideas. Your input will help inform designs for street upgrades planned for 2024-25. You can read the engagement summary report for more information on engagement activities and results.

For more information on large City-led roadwork projects visit victoria.ca/roadwork.

Email engage@victoria.ca to subscribe to construction updates for the 2024-25 Street Upgrades projects.

Planning for 2024-25 Street Upgrades is Underway

The public consultation period for 2024-25 Street Upgrades is now closed. Thank you to all those who shared feedback, experiences and ideas. Your input will help inform designs for street upgrades planned for 2024-25. You can read the engagement summary report for more information on engagement activities and results.

For more information on large City-led roadwork projects visit victoria.ca/roadwork.

Email engage@victoria.ca to subscribe to construction updates for the 2024-25 Street Upgrades projects.

Bay Street

over 1 year

Add pins to the map with ideas, comments or concerns at specific locations where you feel there are opportunities for improvements or where you have challenges walking, rolling, riding, taking transit or driving. Check out the Bay Street Project Overview sheet in the Documents section before you start.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded. Stay tuned for an engagement summary and email engage@victoria.ca if you'd like to subscribe to construction updates for these projects.

Caledonia Avenue

over 1 year

Add pins to the map with ideas, comments or concerns at specific locations where you feel there are opportunities for improvements or where you have challenges walking, rolling, riding, taking transit or driving. Check out the Caledonia Avenue Project Overview sheet in the Documents section before you start.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded. Stay tuned for an engagement summary and email engage@victoria.ca if you'd like to subscribe to construction updates for these projects.

Cook Street

over 1 year

Add pins to the map with ideas, comments or concerns at specific locations where you feel there are opportunities for improvements or where you have challenges walking, rolling, riding, taking transit or driving. Check out the Cook Street Project Overview sheet in the Documents section before you start.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded. Stay tuned for an engagement summary and email engage@victoria.ca if you'd like to subscribe to construction updates for these projects.

Pine Street & Selkirk Avenue

over 1 year

This map includes Selkirk Avenue and Pine Street plus the Hereward Green connection. Add pins for ideas, comments or concerns at specific locations where you feel there are opportunities for improvements or where you have challenges walking, rolling, riding, taking transit or driving. Check out the Victoria West Project Overview sheet in the Documents section before you start.

Use the + symbol to add a pin.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded. Stay tuned for an engagement summary and email engage@victoria.ca if you'd like to subscribe to construction updates for these projects.

Tolmie Avenue

over 1 year

Add pins for ideas, comments or concerns at specific locations where you feel there are opportunities for improvements or where you have challenges walking, rolling, riding, taking transit or driving. Check out the Tolmie Avenue Project Overview sheet in the Documents section before you start.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded. Stay tuned for an engagement summary and email engage@victoria.ca if you'd like to subscribe to construction updates for these projects.
Page last updated: 28 Dec 2023, 08:00 AM